Monday 13 September 2021

My Favourite Alpines by Neil Huntley of Hartside Nursery - 9th September 2021

Mrs Carol Ridley, (Speaker Organiser for the Club), welcomed Mr Neil Huntley from Hartside Nursery Garden near Alston.

Almost 50 members enjoyed an interesting presentation by Neil, who was supported by his Sue. Neil explained that his parents had purchased the Nursery in 1972 and opened to the public three years later. Neil and Sue took over the business in 1997 and in the intervening years they have developed Hartside Nursery Garden and established it as a National leading specialist for Alpine plants.

They have frequently won accolades and medals from major British RHS Shows and the slides which he used during his talk, showed stunning and often rare pictures of beautiful Alpines which are available from their Nursery.

Situated over 1000 feet above sea level, the garden is subject to hot sunshine during summer and very cold periods during winter… therefore the plants they sell are very hardy!

During the slide show Neil impressed us with his Latin nomenclature, knowledge of plant characteristics and anecdotes. We were also shown how to make and use troughs, containers and raised beds, in which to effectively display the delicate beauty of tiny alpines.

Neil promotes the use of local company ‘Dalefoot Compost’, from Askham () , and shared how to make various compost mixes in order to promote good alpine growth. 

Over 100 slides were shown and some depicted the many and varied primula group, oxalis, tiny iris, gentiana, erythroniums, trillium, saxifage and lots of the roscoea species, to name but a few! In essence it was beauty in miniature.

We were so lucky to be able to make purchases afterwards.

Extract from article by Jude Jansen

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