Saturday 12 October 2019

"Shady Characters" - 10th October

What a privilege is was to welcome Colin Crosbie, a distinguished horticulturalist, to speak to us about plants for shade in the garden.

After working in the gardens of Auchincruive as a young adult, Colin undertook Horticulture studies at West of Scotland Agricultural College, now SRUC. He then worked at the Windsor Great Park- the Savill and Valley gardens- before being appointed as Head Gardener to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, where he worked for five years. Colin then became Superintendent at RHS Wisley, before working as the Garden Manager and finally the Curator. He returned home to Scotland and has his own business as a horticultural consultant and leads garden tours around the world.”
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) 

Firstly, Colin reminded us about the vertical layers within the garden’s tree canopy.
He then presented a selection of A-Z plants that grow in the low, shady layers of this canopy (i.e. the herbaceous and soil surface layers).

Arisema - thunbergii / candidissimum + red form / griffithi var pradhanii /
Cobra Lily      kiushianum / sikokianum / nepenthoides

A. candidissimum red form
A.  sikokianum - Jack in Pulpit or Loo Brush

Anemone 'Wild Swan'

"About 15 years ago, amongst a batch of Anemone seedlings,
Elizabeth spotted a plant very with different character 
to the parent and showing real hybrid vigour. 
This was placed aside to grow on and watch. 
This young plant was delightful and has since proved to be
 the most beautiful and long flowering plant we grow."

Cypripedium 'Gisela'

Cypripedium parviflora / kentuckiense / ‘Gisela’

Dicksonia antartica
Dryopteris wallichiara

E. grandifolium 'Beni-chidori'

EpimediumAmber Queen’ / youngianum ‘Yenomoto’ / ogisui / acuminatum / davidii  / brevicomu / grandifolium ‘Beni-chidori / ‘Pink Elf’

E. calfonicum 'WhiteBeaty'

Erythronium californicum ‘White Beauty’ / revolutum ‘Knightshayes Pink’ / dens-canis ‘Purple King’ / ‘Pagoda’

Hosta ‘El Nino’ / ‘Fire Island’ / ‘Mouse Ears’

L.cardiocrinum giganteum - can reach 11 feet in height!

Lilium ‘Vivo Queen’ / hansonii / martagon var album / lancifolium ‘Splendens’ / lankongense / cardiocrinum giganteum

Lilies like their feet in the shade 
& flowers in the sun

Mecanopsis betonicifolia / ‘Mrs Jebb’
Mukdenia rossii
Miaianthemum racemosum ‘Wisley Spangles’ / japonicum
Polygonatum x hybridum / odoratum ‘Red Stem’


Roscoea humeana lutea

Roscoea purpurea / tumjensis / humeana varieties / cautleyoides / forrestii / ‘Monique’

Trillium kurabayashii / flexipen / rivale
Uvularia grandifolium + variety pallida


Daphne bholua
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’
Magnolia stellata ‘JanePlatt’ / kobus

Rhododendrom yakushimanum

Rhododendron yakushimanum / ‘Hydon Velvet’

Sacoccocca wilsonii


Colin’s own garden at Dalswinton Mill (north of Dumfries, in Dumfries & Galloway) opens via the Scotland Garden Scheme.

Colin is also closely involved with the charity, Independence from Drugs and Alcohol Scotland (IFDAS) which purchased SRUC’s walled garden at Auchincruive, Ayr.

If some one had said to me, when I was working here as an 18 year old, and then going on to study Horticulture at Auchincruive, that I would end up travelling the world, looking for plants in the wild- in China and Japan; managing big gardens down south- I would have said ‘not in a million years!’, but Auchincruive gave me the opportunity and I am so grateful. And this is why I am keen to give something back to the gardens here, because of what it gave me.”
Colin Crosbie 

Written by PMR
Various reference sources used

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