Tuesday 12 June 2018

RHS Chatsworth 2018 - Wednesday, 6th June...

A note from the Chair (Trish) - I was so lucky to get an unplanned day trip to Derbyshire.
 The RHS theme focused on the diversity & beauty of orchids.
With 28,000 species worldwide, the family encompasses about 6–11% of all seed plants. The seeds produce monocotyledons. As well as being colourful orchids may be fragrant - Vanilla being one of their genus.

Orchid Distribution in Green - By Dalton Holland Baptista - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4861360

Orchids in Vertical Exuberance in the Paxton Temporary Conservatory, c. 2017

Chatsworth's contribution to their association with orchids - Silver-Gilt

No, the fairies & elves didn't leave their slippers hanging up! - These are Phragmipediums!
And there was time
for tea.

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