Monday 21 May 2018

Plant Sale & Coffee Morning in Wetheral - 19th May 2018

Despite the Royal Wedding celebrations,  VGC had a great morning too.

Here is a quote from Jude -

"Well, what can I say, other than an enormous thank you to all of you for supporting the busy event this morning....
The hard work you all put in was so much appreciated and I think that it will prove to be well worth the effort.

Janice, your non-stop plant sorting, pricing and labelling was awesome. (Tell Nick I totally failed in his request to me to prevent you taking home any more plants!)
Isabel, thank you for the beautiful advert you posted and your sterling work manning the tills.
Anne S. (the committee awaits you!) for assisting in the kitchen.
Ruth and Marilyn for organising the tables, decorations, and refreshments.
Joan for absolutely everything you did, not least with the broom!
Caroline for floral art and Lotto management....I still haven't paid?
Anne MacD for keeping the purse and manning the tills and paying the bills.
My beloved for putting up and taking down the banner and kerb notices, putting tables/chairs out and back in again, and many wheelbarrow trips full of plants up the cinder path before porridge this morning.
If I have missed off any other please pass on my thanks.
And to the unknown person who stole the kerb notices from Plains Road.......?"

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