Wednesday 29 June 2016

Can't quite believe that it's almost the end of June. The solstice is past...

What a wonderful month it has been weather wise for our gardens, here in Cumbria. The roses have again surpassed themselves this year. The solstice is past and a tumultuous change has occurred in our political landscape too.
Tomorrow evening we will all gather for our social evening at Christine Davidson's cottage garden in Laversdale, but meantime here are some of our June photos ( courtesy of Jude) ...
2nd June Visit : Bryan & Barbara Lloyd's Garden at Brisco


5th - 9th June: Gardeners' Holiday - East Sussex 

1 comment:

  1. I have so enjoyed 'revisiting' all the above gardens Trish! It brightened up a miserable September day - thank you once again for your brilliant blogspot!
