Thursday 30 June 2016

Social Evening - Tithe Barn, Laversdale

What a lovely evening we had last night, enjoying our annual social get together at Christine's beautiful home in Laversdale. Despite a 'scotch mist' descending, I'm sure that we were all enthralled with Christine's truly gorgeous, cottage garden. Thank you Christine & Gordon.

Again, here is a copy of Lesley's yummy pate recipe.

Mushroom Pate 
(originally from Geoff & Isabel)

I onion finely chopped
250g/280g Closed Cap/Button Mushrooms finely sliced or grated
3 Garlic Cloves (but I only used 1…..) crushed or finely chopped
250g Cream Cheese
Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper
Curry Powder and Garam Masala in my mix (this is added to the onions about half way through cooking)


Heat butter & oil in a frying pan and gently sweat the onions and garlic (taking care not to brown them)
Meanwhile, do the same with your mushrooms, making sure you cook off all the liquid that comes out of the mushrooms (I actually partially drained mine!) Again, try not to ‘brown’ the mushrooms as it affects the overall look of the pate!
Mix the mushrooms and onions together, season to taste and leave to cool. This is important!
Add the cooled mixture to a blender/food processor and give a good blitz, then add your cream cheese and process until smooth.
Keeps for a week in the fridge in a sealed container, but I always remove it from the fridge to allow it to come to room temperature before serving.

Serve with crostini (I got mine from Tesco – top shelf near the savoury biscuits) or home made melba toast.


Wednesday 29 June 2016

Can't quite believe that it's almost the end of June. The solstice is past...

What a wonderful month it has been weather wise for our gardens, here in Cumbria. The roses have again surpassed themselves this year. The solstice is past and a tumultuous change has occurred in our political landscape too.
Tomorrow evening we will all gather for our social evening at Christine Davidson's cottage garden in Laversdale, but meantime here are some of our June photos ( courtesy of Jude) ...
2nd June Visit : Bryan & Barbara Lloyd's Garden at Brisco


5th - 9th June: Gardeners' Holiday - East Sussex