Friday 12 February 2016

Chairman's Report for AGM - Thursday 11th February 2016

My first year, as Chair of the Viaduct Gardening Club, has really been an inspirational one for me. The dedicated and supportive committee members, have yet again, fulfilled their brief and pulled out all the stops to provide another year of wonderful memories for us all to enjoy.

Exciting and informative summer day trips were to Lancashire and Co Durham, (where, in one garden I understand members were busy photographing far more than the horticulture!) As usual, these trips were very well supported by you all.

The annual holiday last year was to the beautiful County of Herefordshire and although I am biased, everyone agreed that it is a gorgeous place to visit.
The hotel was very comfortable and the food superb. All of the amazing gardens on the busy itinerary were delightful and varied in their attractions.

Visiting Sir Roy Strong's Garden
Congratulations, once again to Joyce (Johnston) for her hard work and diligence in finding out about, and organising the trips and the holiday.

A wide and fascinating group of monthly speakers have entertained us all throughout the winter months. Topics have been both diverse and interesting: with talks as varied as how best to grow bulbs to learning all about our local wildlife and conservation management schemes. Indeed, everyone who came to speak to us was very well received. Thank you Christine (Davidson) & Ann (Oswin) for all you work in arranging our speakers.

The Gardening Club's two founding villages of Wetheral and Great Corby both hosted very successful Garden Trails during the Summer of 2014. The highlight of Great Corby's being the accessibility of Corby Castle grounds and gardens. The Wetheral Trail saw well over 600 visitors descend on that cool June afternoon and overall the event raised about £3,000 for various Charities.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank those who kindly opened their own gardens for the enjoyment of the VGC members. Everyone loves to take ideas and inspiration from visiting other people's gardens and your generosity is much appreciated.

The Annual Plant Sale at Rickerby's was a huge success and so too was the Autumn Plant Sale and Coffee Morning we held in Down-a-Gate. Thank you to all of the donor's of plants and the bakers of cakes. As
you know we have members who have now kindly volunteered to organise both these plant sales in future – thank you Pauline, Joan and Ruth.

Our Financial situation is, as you have already heard, is in a very sound position, and despite the tragedy of the recent floods, which has temporarily destroyed our venue, I can honestly say that the Viaduct Gardening Club remains a viable, entertaining and creative organisation. Thank you Helen (White) for your expertise in all things financial.

Thank you to Denise & Alice for organising the raffle & to everyone who has provided prises. As you know the raffle raises over £400 each year for club funds.
Our new tea rota is working pretty well – more on that later, but meantime thanks to all who have helped so far. Thanks also to our members who quietly & practically help at evening meetings – usually seen wrestling with tables and chairs in Down-a-Gate's cupboards!

Trish (Rodgers), our helpful Vice-Chair, has stepped in on so many occasions to support me and everyone on the committee. Thank you Trish for standing in today.

Finally many thanks go to our amazing Secretary, Lesley (Norman), who keeps us all on an even keel and has such a happy smile for everyone.

Therefore, in 2016, things are set to continue in the manner to which we have all grown accustomed over recent years. There will be lots of interesting monthly speakers, enjoyable day-trips to surrounding areas, local garden visits and a greatly anticipated and fabulous Gardening Club Holiday to East Sussex.

However, may I take this opportunity to highlight a very important issue?
Joyce (Johnston) will, at the end of this summer, be stepping down from her role as Trip Organiser and also Ann (Oswin) and Christine (Davidson) wish to hand over their role as Speaker Organisers to other members of the Club at the 2017 AGM.
Personal support and the opportunity to " shadow" the vacating roles will be forthcoming to those of you who have undoubted, if hidden, talents.

The future success of this Club really does depend on those of you
who feel able to contribute to its successful continuance.

And fear not, help is always on hand and any future roles can be joint efforts.
Lesley (Norman), has been extremely grateful to those of you who have willingly offered to take on some of her workload during the past year and into the future.

Therefore, in conclusion, may I wish you all an enjoyable and prosperous Gardening Year. I hope your seeds germinate, your plants flourish and your blooms be many.......

Judith Jansen
Chair of the Viaduct Gardening Club.

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