Sunday 30 July 2023

Evening Garden Visit for Charity - Thursday, 20th July 2023

What a treat it was to visit Bryan & Barbara Lloyd’s garden again. Many of us will remember visiting the garden in 2016. On returning, none of us could be disappointed! The evening was rather menacing with heavy showers and foreboding darkness; mixed with transient blue sky and sunlight. A special thanks to all at Briscoe Hill for their hospitality, for sharing the garden, their knowledge and experience.

Here is our visit in photos ...

Thursday 13 July 2023

Denise Poole


May 2017
Annual Plant Fayre, Wetheral

     It was with great sadness, but also with great thanks, that      many of us from VGC attended Denise's funeral,                 yesterday at the Crematorium, Carlisle.

    Denise died suddenly but peacefully at home on                    Wednesday, 21st June, after spending the evening                organising a village event for Warwick-on-Eden.

    She will be missed by us all; but particularly by her            family and dearest friends, of whom there were many.


 On entering the service room, many of us will have felt a bittersweet lump as English Country Garden (c.1728) played.

How many kinds of sweet flowers grow 

In an English country garden?

We'll tell you now of some that we know

Those we miss you'll surely pardon

 Daffodils, heart's ease and phlox

Meadowsweet and lady smocks

Gentian, lupin and tall hollyhocks

Roses, foxgloves, snowdrops, forget-me-nots

In an English country garden

Denise would surely smile if perhaps we especially think of heartsease, Viola Tricolor at this time. 

The name pansy comes from Middle French - pensée (“thought / remberance”).          

Violas and pansies resemble someone that is in deep thought, with a lowered head.