Sunday 30 October 2022

Day Trips - Summer 2022

In August, there was a day trip to Edinburgh and the Borders.

The first stop was at Saughton Park. This park recently received lottery funding in order to upgrade, restore and improve the facilities within its grounds. Situated in a deprived area of the city, the park now offers a beautiful facility for urban dwellers to use and enjoy: a life line during the recent lock-downs.


Following this, we enjoyed the garden of Mr and Mrs Rankin (our speakers at VGC in February this year) who established Kevock Garden Plants in Edinburgh. This nursery supplies rare and unusual plants to horticultural outlets and for designers creating show gardens etc.

The Rankins made us very welcome using their home to serve refreshments and an allowing us an opportunity to enjoy the spectacular views of their garden from the comfort of sofas set in enormous picture windows! 

The coach party then travelled to Biggar to visit the Scottish baronial country estate of Lindsaylands. We wandered through an amazing walled garden which was brimming with immaculate fruits and vegetables. There were traditional glasshouses and a formal ornamental garden plus other areas of the estate to admire such as a flock of rare breed sheep. We learned about the history of the demesne and again enjoyed the owners; hospitality.

The day remained dry despite predictions of heavy downfalls. We concluded our trip with Scottish ‘high tea’ at Somerton House Hotel, Lockerbie.