Saturday 16 April 2022

"The Low Maintenace Organic Cottage Garden" - Andrew Davenport - 14th April 2022

Andrew in his Garden

 Mr Andrew E. Davenport, (from Gardener’s Cottage   Plants, Bingfield, just north of Corbridge), was the   speaker at our April meeting.

 Once upon a time, back in the 1930’s, there were two   ladies; Lady Eve Balfour and Miss Maye Emily Bruce   MBE. These two ladies were passionate about the   sustainability of the soil both in this country and around   the world.

Lady Eve & Other Founders with a ram!

Their mission was to promote the necessity of replenishing and reinvigorating soil using organic materials to improve its biodiversity. They later became founder members of the Soil Association.

Miss Bruce was the innovator of the ‘Quick Return’ composting method and her main aim was to,

Give back life to the soil, and thus eventually abolish disease

in plant, animal and man”.

She developed a mix of herbs, which once dried, were mixed with water and used as an activator on garden and kitchen waste; thus turning it into useable compost in a matter of weeks.

Some years ago Andrew had been given a book, published in 1949, entitled Organic Husbandry. A Symposium”. This anthology had one common theme of interest….a belief in organic methods of gardening and farming as a means of survival. He was captivated by this subject and researched every aspect of compost making especially the ‘Quick Return’ method promoted by Miss Bruce.

One thing led to another and Andrew decided to write his own book,

Andrew uses those fundamental principles promoted by Miss Bruce, ensuring that her methodology and research are preserved for future generations. He has redesigned his own garden and has established a business; selling his own organically home-grown cottage garden. He gives talks, runs courses on organic gardening and offers a garden maintenance service.

With slides Andrew illustrated how he completely redesigned his own garden plot. These ably revealed the floriferous results of his organically grown and composted flower and vegetable beds. It is clear to see the benefits and sustainability of this methodology.

Written by Jude Jansen

Compiled for blog by Trish Rodgers

Photos – various / Internet