Sunday 20 February 2022

"Poles Apart" - David Rankin - 10th February 2022

We are delighted to reconvene our talks in person, as Covid’s Omicron variant dims its attack.

And how lucky we were to welcome Stella & David Rankin from Kevock Gardens & Nursery in Scotland. Kevock offers;

plants for your rock garden, woodland or damp area,as well as a selection of herbaceous plants, and trees and shrubs. We have ground cover plants and some that cope in dry shade, as well as many that are easy to grow. You can take a look at our specialities. We have also put together some collections of plants that we display together at the shows.”

AWARDS - Chelsea Flower Show Gold medallists 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019. Farrer Trophy for best Alpine display at an RHS show 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019

Gardeners’ World Masterclass 25th June 2021 - Meconopsis

As well as keen botanists and nursery owners David & Stella combine these activities with worldwide expeditions to mountainous regions.

David’s talk compared and contrasted plant species from different locations that are geographically ‘poles apart’.

He focused particularly on Patagonia & its opposite number – the mountains and valleys of South West China. And of course both these areas are active zones of tectonic plate friction. 

Volcanic soils, huge mountainous contrasts of precipitation and temperature differentials inevitably challenge cultivation of plants from these areas in the UK’s even climate of dampness and temperature with rich soils.

Some plants species are unique to a specific area while others are found in both the northern and southern hemispheres

e.g. Pollination by humming birds is unique to the Americas. It is here that plant species with long, bright tubular flowers are found.


          Below is Desfontania spinosa

 © National Audubon Society

VGC will be visiting Kevock Gardens this summer.


Kevock will be showing at Harrogate’s Spring Flower Show 21st to 24th April 2022

Compiled by Trish Rodgers

Photos – various / Internet / Paula Sillkstone