Sunday 23 May 2021

Hutton-in-the-Forest Plant & Food Fair - 23rd May ...

Artichokes, Sunflowers & Lilies - to name but a few
(ochres & russets complementing the spring deciduous greens & deeper olive conifers)

Today the midday outside temperature was shy of double figures. Rain, at times, was either unforgiving or threatening! So it was great to see so many people visiting Hutton's Spring Plant & Food Fair (last held in 2019).

I trundled round with my RHS flower truck & easily finding plants to fill it with!


Debbie & Jason from Westgarth Cottage in Hayton were there with some fabulous new designs in their garden structures range.

Lucky for us they will be at the VGC Plant Sale on Saturday, 5th June  - see "Diary Dates".



Saturday 8 May 2021

Secretary's Update

Dear Member,

I hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to a sunny summer. This letter is bringing good news.

Plant Sale The Spring Plant Sale is going ahead on 5th June at Wetheral Village Hall from 10am - 12noon. I hope you’ve all been lifting and splitting so that we have plenty of plants for sale on the day. We also need donations of tray bakes, cakes etc for the coffee morning - so put your oven gloves on and get baking. All donations welcome. We have access to the hall the night before after 8 pm so you can drop off your plants and cakes and if you are feeling strong you may want to help put out the tables for the event itself. I can’t wait to buy some interesting plants, eat tasty cake and meet up with you all again - it’s been a very long year!

Club Events As we were not able to have a full AGM this year, we haven’t had the opportunity to re elect the committee but the committee decided to go ahead with the due changes to the chair and vice chair.

We say goodbye and much thanks to Caroline Ritchie as outgoing chair and hello and welcome to Anne Sutherland as incoming chair and the new vice-chair, Rosie Thomas.

The committee are planning for the re-start of club meetings from the 2nd Thursday in September. That is dependent on Covid restrictions at the time and speaker availability. I will let you know more about this nearer the time.

Our outings co ordinator, Val, is setting up a provisional trip the an RHS garden on Thursday 1st July it will be either to Harlow Carr or the new Bridgewater. We are keeping it simple for now and just visiting the one big garden. Details to follow.

Val is also looking at availability for a club holiday later in the year. We are also hoping to have a members social evening - details to follow. So you can see that we are trying to get things almost back to normal - and it feels good.

NGS Open Gardens In the meantime, the NGS gardens are beginning to open up. Some of the early openers will be taking on line bookings only and may not be selling teas. As restrictions ease there will be more opportunity to make the usual spontaneous visits. Look out for the local leaflets at garden centres and tourist information offices.

See you at the Plant Sale!                                                                                                                             
Best wishes,


VGC Secretary