Sunday 17 January 2021

A Tinge of Sadness...

Sadly one of our last club founder members, John Simpson of Great Corby died peacefully at home on 10th January. John and his beloved wife, Iris were enthusiastic supporters of the club. When Iris died, John continued to attend meetings, outings and enjoyed club holidays.

John was a quiet man with an air of strength, but there lurked a sense of fun. He was a retired Latin teacher. I'm sure he commanded much respect and awe from his pupils. John & Tony Hesketh were often seen, deep in conversation.

John was a knowledgeable gardener and an excellent sweet pea grower. His top tip was to always ensure that seeds were propagated in good, clean compost. And of course he could help with all our botanical Latin enquiries.

John has two daughters, one of whom lives locally, we send them and their families our best wishes at this sad time.

                                                                                     Written by PMR

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Season's Greeting from the Secretary

I hope you are all keeping well in these strange times. Given that we are still in tiers (in more ways than one)  the Garden Club Committee has taken the decision to postpone our New Year Party and also to push back the AGM until April 2021. We
didn’t feel that we had any option really. If anything changes then please be assured that I will let you know.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to you and your families.

Cate Bowman