Sunday 21 June 2020

A Summer Solstice Quiz for you...

Can you name this David Austin rose?

Rain is forecast this week so how about a break from gardening duties.

Make a cuppa & see how you do with this quiz - no googling now!

The Quiz

1. What is the popular name for the flowering houseplant Impatiens Walleriana?
2. What would a gardener do with a dibber or dibble?
3. Charles Darwin described this carnivorous plant as the most wonderful plant in the world. What is the name of this plant?
4. The love apple is the original name for what?
5. The Death Cap is the most poisonous variety of what?
6. What is the name given to the female reproductive organ of a flower?
7. A Kumquat is a small Japanese variety of what sort of fruit?
8. Why is Reindeer Moss (Cladonia rangiferina) so called?
9. Harry Wheatcroft was a renowned breeder of what?
10. What is the name of the 3 leafed clover associated with St Patrick’s day?
11. Which part of a tree can be used to make cork?
12. What is the largest and tallest tree in the world?
13. What general term is given to those trees whose leaves fall in autumn ?
14. Which tissue beneath the bark of trees forms wood?
15. Where in the flowering plant does the male gamete form?
16. Which cereal must be grown in water?
17. Which grain is used to make semolina?
18. Which part of a flower becomes the fruit?
19. Which part of a flowering plant is often used to make oil?
20. What is the name given to the technique of clipping trees and hedges into ornamental shapes?
21. What is another name for the Rowan Tree?
22. What flower is named after the Botanist Dr Leonard Fuchs?
23. What do Yew; Laburnum Seeds & Mistletoe berries have in common?
24. What is the popular name for the Antirrhinum?
25. What is the sacred flower of the Buddhist religion?
26. Which plant takes it's name from the Italian phrase for Beautiful women?
27. Which liquid does a flower produce to attract insects?
28. How can you tell the age of a tree?
29. Plants that regrow each year are called?
30. When or who invented the lawn mower?

(Answers - will be posted next Sunday, 28th June )

Do sent us some pictures & thoughts about 
what you are up to in your garden right now. 


Sunday 7 June 2020

A Cumbrian favourite...

Meconopis is a genus of nearly 80 species of often short-lived or monocarpic perennials: i.e. they flower just once and then die. They are best known as ‘blue poppies’ with large saucer-shaped flowers but many have attractive leaf rosettes.

Here are some from Jude’s garden this May (Station Master’s House, Wetheral).

Cultivation - Thrives in areas with cool, damp summers. The soil needs to be neutral to slightly acidic, moist but well-drained and enriched with leaf mould or humus. The site should be partially shaded with shelter from cold, dry winds
Propagation - Propagate by seed or by division after flowering but can be short-lived

Also see Blog Entry – 2018 – November

Lingholm Meconopsis – Fertile Group