Monday 27 April 2020

Our Spring Gardens...

What amazing weather we've being having. When last do you remember long sunny days for almost the whole of April?

The blossom as been exceptional with our gardens exploding with vernal foliage. Should be another "good year for the roses".


" Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers"

In 1557 Thomas Tusser had published a similar proverb in, A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry

Also in 1557 / 1560 this was anonymously published,

     "When Aprell sylver showers so sweet, 
       Can make May flowers sprynge"


Cate's Spring Garden Flowers in Crosby - on - Eden
Jude's Auricula Theatre in Wetheral

Auriculas  originated from a natural cross between 
Primula auricula  and Primula hirsuta  
where they grow together in the Alps. 
The resulting hybrid, Primula pubescens,has been bred for 
over 400 years to produce the types and quality that we recognise today.

Show Auriculas have 3 or 4 balanced concentric circles. The inner one is the tube, which should be yellow or golden and like all Florists (originally meaning a grower of plants to set standards, rather than the modern meaning) have no pin (the stigma) visible. Next comes a circle of farina, where tiny hairs are set on the petals so dense that it is like a white paste.

Friday 17 April 2020

How are you?...

Who could have predicted that Spring 2020 would pan out like this? Let's hope that all our VGC members are keeping as well and as safe as possible. 

As gardeners we know a little about viruses, but not this beast...

NS - New Scientist - March 2020
"For about 100 years, the scientific community has repeatedly changed its collective mind over what viruses are. First seen as poisons, then as life-forms, then biological chemicals, viruses today are thought of as being in a grey area between living and nonliving: they cannot replicate on their own but can do so in truly living cells and can also affect the behaviour of their hosts profoundly."

Scientific American

With these beautiful sunny day hopefully many of us are getting some exercise and finding feelings of delight and solace in our gardens: as each day they reveal their springtime surprises.

Trish's Camellia x williamsii 'Donation' Hedge in Broadwath
Here is a 16 question Gardening Quiz for you to do while having a

1. Which of these plants is not a perennial?
Morning Glory / Dusty Miller / Clematis / Pachysandra
2. Which of these is a recommended soil amendment?
Chicken manure / Sand / Worm castings / All of these
3. Which of these is not related to a tomato?
Eggplant / Potato / Cucumber / Pepper
4. What is a biennial?
A plant blooming twice a year / in its second year / every other year
5. Which one of these plants is not like the others?
Hosta / Begonia Rex / Coleus / Petunia
6. What is the benefit of pinching a plant?
Encourages plant to branch out / Promotes blooming / Preparation for winter.
7. If a tomato grows only up to 5 feet tall, it is:
Dominant / Recessive / Determinate / Indeterminate
8. What makes a plant a shrub?
It t develops a woody stem / It grows more than 3 feet tall / It depends on who discovered it.
9. The genus of a coleus plant is:
Plectranthus / Solenostemon / Strobilanthes / Coleus
10. Which if these can be composted?
Weeds / Coffee grounds / Newspaper / All of these
11. What is variegation?
White markings on leaves / Red markings on leaves / Any markings on leaves
12. Which is not a cultivar of hosta?
Patriot / Kate’s Pride / Great Expectations / Gaucamole
13. Which hydrangea is best pruned in spring?
Bigleaf hydrangea / Oakleaf hydrangea / Panicle hydrangea / All of the these
14. Which plant is native to North America?
Phlox paniculata / Betula nigra / Echinacea purpurea / All of these
15. What is the common name for hosta?
Bigleaf shade plant / Deer food / Plantain lily / Shepherd’s crook
16. Foxgloves are:
Native / Poisonous / Biennial / All of these

(Answers - will be posted next Friday, 24th April - below)

Do sent us some pictures & thoughts about 
what you are up to in your garden right now. 


1. Morning Glory / 2. All of these / 3. Cucumber / 4. in its second year
5. Hosta / 6. Encourages plant to branch out / 7. Determinate
8. It t develops a woody stem / 9. Solenostemon / 10. All of these
11. Any markings on leaves / 12. Kate’s Pride / 13. All of the these
14. All of these / 15. Plantain lily / 16. All of these