Wednesday 27 November 2019

Something Different for Christmas - 14th November 2019

After those special days of reflection leading up to Remembrance Day on the 11th November, we met for our last talk of 2019.

Fuelled with mulled wine and mince pies, we were reminded that the magic of Christmas is fast approaching. Pauline Hudson and Jean Watt showed us how we can decorate our homes with lovely floristry decorations that can be simple to make; often using gorgeous seed heads and greenery from our gardens. Here are just a few of the arrangements:

Artichokes - perfect naturally, but wonderful too
 with glitter or silver spray

This lovely arrangement is held together in a wax base, made from melting down all those half used candles which we pack way each year thinking "I'll light them up again" but when we open the box we think "oh those look rather too dusty and sad to use".

Here you can see grass & poppy seed heads, sempervirens and the mauve berries of  Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii 'Profusion'.

Mini glass vases (from recycled jars & bottles) have been filled with coloured water.

What have I missed? - Hydrangeas, hips, roses, phlomis, callicarpa

Someone won a fabulous raffle prize!

 Adding some roses or other replenishable flowers to this triad of
 potted plants just adds another dimension

Subtle wire lights just adds something special to the arrangement as darkness falls

Pauline showed us how to make a star (a true pentangle) and she suggested we take a look at one made on youtube, so here is a reference:

The Stanwix Flower Club is holding a Christmas Workshop on 7th December - 10am to 3pm at Wetheral Village Community Centre. Booking is essential but please do come.

Our next meeting in with our New Year Party.
So from Chairman Caroline and all the Committee

Written by PMR