Tuesday 15 January 2019

New Year Party ... 10th January 2019

Setting the Scene: Lights, camera, action ...
The weather was kind to us, there was no Australian 'flu to affect us: so all in all we had a great turn out for our traditional New Year celebration.

Derek entertained and trained us with his thought provoking gardening quiz, whilst Jude read us William Wordsworth's 200 year old sonnet, "To a Snowdrop". She also brought a sample of freshly picked snowdrops from a Wetheral garden!

"To a Snowdrop" was published in 1819. The poem is written in a sonnet form, according to the Petrarchan style. It consists of an octave and a sestet with an ABBAABBA CDECDE rhyme scheme.
"To a Snowdrop" is composed in iambic pentameter and it changes to emphasize the meaning and prosody of the lines. It describes an unexpected guest in the lyrical voice’s garden where the final lines provide the possibility of reflection and thought".


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'Gnomon' Gnome goes home with Elizabeth for 2019