Wednesday 14 February 2018

In case you want to smile & re read Jude's poem...

The English Rose By David Stirzaker

Roses are sh*t. And growing them’s worse,
A lifetime of failure has caused me to curse.

I plant them and feed them, and prune them and such,
But they never respond, or do very much.

The cuttings are vicious, all covered in snags,
Which hurt as you stuff ‘em, in black plastic bags.

The blooms are quite lovely, they last half a day
Till the first puff of wind blows the petals away.

I deadhead the blooms, and I take off the suckers,
But do they reward me, the ungrateful…. little shrubs?

The climbers won’t climb, and the ramblers won’t ramble,
The teas and the standards are always a gamble.

My compost’s well-rotted, my mulch is aerated,
As I try to grow Engerland’s most over-rated.

I’ve tried in full sun and I’ve tried in the shade,
They’re the biggest mistake that this gardener has made.

I’ve tried in the North, and way down in the South,
I wish Alan Titchmarsh had just shut his mouth.

Excuses, for failure with roses, are legion,
They vary a little from region to region,

Too sandy, wrong pH, salt winds or the cold,
Cat poo, kids’ footballs or mildew, or mould.

I buy lots of stuff for them, (that’s all a racket),
It looks bloomin’ marvellous, there on the packet.

But I want roses red, and I want violets blue,
So I get ripped off, weekly, down at B & Q.

You mustn’t think all of my plants end as failures.
You should see my peonies, fuschias and dahlias.

My shrubbery’s brill, (to use the vernacular),
My lawn is a picture, my borders spectacular.

My vegetables grow to prodigious sizes,
I take them to shows where they sometimes win prizes.

I’ve got trees of all colours, which grow on the lawn,
They sparkle with frost on a cold winter’s morn.

I’ve got a big pond, with beautiful fish,
I should be content but I’ve only one wish.

I lift new potatoes, fresh herbs are on tap,
My produce is great but my roses are crap.

Every Spring on the telly, I’m seduced by Chelsea,
And I buy some more roses, this year they’ll do well, see?

(No they won’t.)

They’ll sit there infested, with flies green and white,
They’ll scratch me and tear me, and still look like ….. not quite right

To get rid of greenflies, I’m told is dead easy,
So I’m out there again with my diluted Sqezy,

Then, dormant buds remain non-emergent,
And I’m told that I must’ve used too much detergent.

They cling on, with yellowing leaves and black spots,
And some blame the compost, and some blame the pots.

My roses are sick, I can’t find the cure,
And the RHS expert, says ‘fork in manure’

I’ve forked in manure, I complain to the bloke,
So much forkin manure it’s becoming a joke.

Wish my garden blossomed, all peaches and cream,
With soft - scented roses, and Rachel de Teme.

So I will keep on trying, ‘cos I am no quitter,
But roses are sh*t, and growing them’s sh*tter.