Saturday 13 January 2018

Agenda for AGM ... 8th February 2018

Feb 2018 – Action Plan Summary for Managing Health & Safety Risks
during Viaduct Gardening Club's Activities
This is the committee's drafted summary of the action plan (already partially implemented), which has been prepared for AGM – Feb 2018.

Overall, as well as the club per se having operative responsibilities for health and safety matters, we as individual members are also very much responsible for our own well being too.
Trish Rodgers – VGC's Chairman

Fire Risk & Safety
Muster Points
  • Organisers are all responsible for signposting club members about what to do in the event of....

A personal, compromising incident occurs to a member during a club activity...

  • At least 2 committee members should attend specific club events and be responsible for implementing actions recommended by these risk assessments.

  • It is essential that these nominated committee members always carry charged mobile devices.

  • Members will be encouraged to provide the club committee with details of an emergency contact person for them in the event of something significant happening.

  • Nominated committee member/s should always ensure that such details are readily available during club activities
( e.g. Chair / Secretary / Event Organiser)

  • This information should only be shared when deemed appropriate and ideally with the member's permission.

  • It is good practice for all club members to carry a mobile device whenever possible.
Health Issues
Known or Unknown
Weather Factors

Health Issues
Known or Unknown
Weather Factors
  • Club members are responsible for their own health needs whilst undertaking club activities.
  • This includes carrying any specific medications, making one's own assessments / deciding what actions need to be taken.

  • It is for each individual to decide when and what information they feel they need / wish to share with the committee / event organiser. VGC can NOT guarantee the ongoing confidentiality of such information.

  • Every member of the club (specifically all committee members in attendance) is expected to undertake all necessary citizens' duties of care with regard to the health & safety of club members.
  • This includes e.g. promptly calling for emergency 999 support / arranging to take someone to A & E / calling for GP review (local) or NHS 24/7 Tel. 111)

  • A First Aid Box complying to BS 8599 is available for use during all club activities. (This is held by the committee event organiser or other committee member present.)

  • The club is NOT responsible for any medications used by members.
  • Members are responsible for dressing appropriately for outings (bringing extra layers / rain coats / suitable footwear / sun hats etc.)

  • Members are also responsible for their own sun protection and to bring their own fluids on hot days.

  • However on day outings / holidays; along with the first aid kit the club will also carry 3 bottles of sealed water.
Someone feels unwell around the time of the day trip / holiday


needs to cancel their attendance for another reason
  • Members who are not feeling well on the day are encouraged to make a short notice cancellation to the named organiser of the event.

  • Every club event needs a named LEAD ORGANISER along with their CONTACT DETAILS. (When possible this information will be available on the blog, for your immediate reference.)

  • Consideration will be given as to the feasibility of reimbursing the affected member for any financial loss.
Any unexpected event occurs during a club activity....
  • The event organiser/ leader needs to take (or delegate to another committee or club member) alternative actions
  • It is essential for all organisers of club activities to provide the Committee (especially the Secretary, Chair/Vice Chair & Treasurer) with clearly written, information prior to the event. Contingency plans should be included.

  • Such information should also be readily available on the day of the event to allow others to deputise at short notice.


Hot Refreshment Making Equipment & Ingredients
  • Village Hall s are responsible for equipment they provide.

  • Care should be taken by members helping with refreshments.

  • The named refreshments organiser is responsible for ingredients being 'in date' and safely stored.
Equipment specifically provided for use by a club member
  • It is the responsibility of the club member lending their personal items to ensure such items are in good working order.

  • Item users should ensure that e.g. extension cables on the floor are secured and that meeting attendees are reminded to take heed.
Tables & Chairs
  • Primarily risks here are under the assessment for public liability insurance by the hired hall.

  • However club members should consider their own safety and health needs before volunteering to help put out or store equipment.
  • Committee members are responsible for ensuring that outside lighting is switched on for meetings.

  • It is for Village Halls to ensure that such lighting is in working order.
  • It is the committee's responsibility to ensure that money for heating is available on club nights. The safety of such equipment lies with the hall.

New Year's Party 2018 ... 11th January

  Despite 'Formula One' like roadworks at Heads Nook we met on Thursday to have our annual party. We were sorry that some couldn't make it; on account of the horrid winter viruses & that Antipodean flu!

As usual there was plenty of delicious food, both savoury & dessert.

With full tummies & filled glasses we were then ready to enjoy Derek's Gardening Quiz. 
Quietness descended. It's amazing how focused and competitive we become!

John, Tony & Elizabeth  were amused with their wooden spoons  
 while Lesley received a special presentation for her team.
A special thank you goes to Caroline, our Vice-Chair for organising the evening.