Friday 14 October 2016

The making of Inwood Garden, East Lothian - 13th October 2016...

Tonight we so enjoyed a humorous, knowledgeable account of how this RHS partner garden has evolved from its' origin as a donkey's paddock away back in 1983.
Lindsay Morrison, ably assisted by her husband, Irvine, has created Inwood into the beauty it is today using trial & error, plantmanship, humour and plentiful, canny Scot's nous.

Lindsay & Irvine also run a B & B business from Inwood, which receives 5* Star Ratings)

Inwood sits in an historical landscape at Carberry, close to the spot where Mary Queen of Scots surrendered in 1567, thereby beginning her long spell of captivity. It is perhaps with some significance therefore that the garden is approached through an avenue of towering Scots Pines and English Oaks which leads into a garden full of island beds with seasonal flowering set within a landscape of mature trees.

Lyndsay's Top Tips:
1. As a gardener you hover between disappointment & optimism.
2. Beware that once planted Golden Hops hop everywhere!
3. Beware of sycamores!
4. Varieties of Vitcella Clematis are reliable & tough. A special favourite is 'Etoile Violette'.
5. Maianthemum racemosum ( treacleberry) is a fabulous N. American, woodland relative of Soloman's Seal which has a delicious scent.

So we look forward to our visit in 2018...