Sunday 11 September 2016

Autumn Cookery Fayre, 8th September 2016...

We had a first-rate evening's entertainment at our club meeting on the 8th September. Our speaker and demonstrator was Mr. John Crouch, a well known celebrity chef here in Cumbria.
In just over an hour, using only basic camping equipment, John produced five delicious autumn food dishes whilst keeping us entertained with lively anecdotes about his culinary experiences & knowledge. Who says multi-tasking is the preserve of the fairer sex? And of course the bonus was that our olfactory & gustatory senses were truly fulfilled!

Here are John's Recipes:
1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon of olive oil
4 boned chicken breasts (halved) 2 tablespoons flour
8 shallots salt
200ml ( 8floz) red wine 4 sprigs of thyme
200ml (8floz) chicken stock 2 teaspoons lavender flowers
grated zest & juice of one orange
Garnish – 1 orange / 12 lavender sprigs / 4 teaspoons of lavender flowers

Heat the butter & oil in a heavy pan & add the chicken pieces. Brown all over. Transfer to a large Casserole. Cook the shallots in the frying pan foe 2 mins, then add to casserole. Add the flour to the frying pan, stir & cook for 2 mins. Pour in enough wine & stock to make a thin sauce, bring to the boil, stirring all the time & season to taste. Stir in the thyme sprigs, lavender flowers, orange zest & juice. Pour the sauce over the chicken, cover the casserole & cook for 30 -40 mins until tender. Remove the thyme sprigs before serving. Garnish with orange & lavender flowers.
1 large onion spray oil
1 dessert spoon fresh herbs, chopped plus extra for garnish
2 courgettes diced 2 tomatoes chopped
75g (3oz) risotto rice 300ml (½ pint) vegetable stock
14g (½ oz) parmesan cheese

In a large, heavy based pan, sauté the onion in a spray of oil, but do not colour. Add the fresh herbs, courgettes, tomatoes & rice. While stirring add the vegetable stock, a little at a time, until the rice is al dente. Sprinkle with parmesan & add garnish with chopped herbs. 

2 tablespoons of butter 500g (1lb) runner beans
1 large onion 1 large carrot
700ml (1 ½ pints) vegetable stock seasoning

Slice the runner beans into thin slices, chop onion & carrot.
Heat butter in a large saucepan & gently fry the beans, onion & carrot until the vegetables are beginning to soften & the carrot is translucent but not browned. Add the stock, bring to the boil & then simmer covered for about 30 mins, until vegetables are soft.
Purée in a blender. Season to taste & serve with a hunk of crusty bread.

1 tablespoon oil 1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed ½ teaspoon ground coriander
½ teaspoon ground cumin ½ fresh chilli, finely chopped or ¼ teaspoon chilli powder
pinch turmeric 1 red or yellow pepper, sliced
300g(12oz) runner beans 1 tablespoon tomato purée
100ml (4floz) water Seasoning (S & P)

Heat the oil in a pan & add the onion & garlic, cover & sautée, gently for 5 mins. Add the spices & sliced pepper stirring well & continue to cook gently for 1 min. Now add the sliced beans, tomato purée and water. Bring to the boil & simmer for 4-5 mins or until the beans are as soft as you like them. Season with salt & pepper if needed & serve with rice or as a side dish with Indian curry.
225g (8oz) plums
450g (1lb) cooking apples, peeled, cored & sliced
1 tablespoon chopped, crystallised or stem ginger
2 tablespoons water 50g (2oz) sugar
trifle sponges 4 egg yolks
50g (2oz) caster sugar 600ml (1pint) milk
vanilla essence 2 level tablespoons cornflower

Meringue: 4 egg whites 200g (8oz) caster sugar

Wash the plums, remove stones & place them in saucepan with the apples & chopped ginger. Add the sugar & water. Bring to the boil, simmering until the fruit is soft. Break the trifle sponge cakes into the base of a 1.7l (3 pint) ovenproof serving dish and spoon over the fruit & sufficient juice to soak the sponges. Set aside while preparing the custard.

CUSTARD: Measure the cornflower into a small basin. Add about 125ml (¼ pint) of the milk & stir to blend well. Pour the remaining milk into a sauce pan & heat until almost boiling. Stir a little hot milk into the cornflower blend, mix well & return all to the milk saucepan. Stir until thick & boiling, then draw off the heat. Crack the egg yolks into a large basin, add the sugar & stir well to mix. Stir in the hot milk mixture & blend thoroughly. Rinse out the milk saucepan & strain the custard back into the pan. Stir constantly over a low heat until the custard has thickened, but do not allow to boil. Stir in the vanilla essence.

Pour the custard over the fruit & sponge base. Whisk the egg whites until stiff, then beat in the sugar. Spoon the meringue over the trifle. Bake in a preheated oven at 180c ( 350 oF / Gas Mark 4) for 20 mins, until lightly browned & crisp. Serve hot.