Wednesday 13 July 2016

7th July Day Trip - Gardens of Yorkshire

Well what a great day we had yesterday visiting three gorgeous gardens in the old West Riding of the white rose county. Even those of the red rose persuasion could not fail to have succumbed to the  charm of these gardens. Allan's careful driver negotiations of hills & dales were much appreciated!

Our first stop was at Pat & Tony Huchinson's garden at Yorke House, Dacre Banks, Nidderdale

The Armillary, Yorke House
Here are some video records of our visit. I hope they will add another dimension and allow those unable to be with us to share our day.  Now please forgive the amateurish crash panning - I'm more used to recording event horses on cross country courses! 


Our second stop was in Leeds. We walked a short distance through a church yard to visit the stunning one acre garden at York Gate.
This garden, developed by the Spencer family between 1951 and 1994, is now under the care of the charity Perennial. Perennial is a benevolent charity which helps the many different professionals within horticulture who are in need.
York Gate's Garden Lay Out

Here are just a few images:
Looking towars the Pinetum from the Canal Garden

"Now that's a..." discussion in the Pinetum & Pond Garden.

The Silver & White Garden - ooh lovely

Isabel & Ada reflecting ...

An explosion of white

Our final stop was at

This is the home of Tim Gittens & Malcolm Simm. They started with extensive hard landscaping in 1986; the land being on a significant slope. The advantage here has been a tiered effect with many hidden suprises.  

Full Attention

The Duck Houses - occupied with this summer's breeding programme
A Terrace
Plumbago & Datura