Friday 13 May 2016

12th May 2016 - "The Twa Jackdaws" - Staurt Kay & Geoff Coe

At short notice , we enjoyed a presentation by “The Twa Jackdaws” (Stuart and Geoff )
Over the years, these two skilled photographers have gathered a collection of garden landscape photos through to individual flowers and their visiting insects. By combining these photos with music, commentaries, amusing anecdotes and quotations we savoured delightful audio-visual journeys through various UK gardens. We 'travelled' to Arley Hall, Rydal Hall, The Lost Gardens of Heligan, Hanbury Hall, Croome Court, Wollerton Old Hall, Cook Hall, Helmsley, Castle Howard and Blue Bell Nuseries.

In this tricentennial year of Lancelot (Capability) Brown's birth we were amused to hear that a satirist of his generation once commented that he hoped to die before Brown so that he could see heaven before Brown had improved it!

And I am sure we were equally amused or perhaps enraged by this quote by the US horticulturist T.H. Everett (1903 – 1986),
“A man should never plant a garden larger than his wife can take care of ".

Contact Details : Stuart Kay Tel. 01228-575030    or